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- 2087 Ergebnisse gefunden
Facilitating management learning: Developing critical reflection through reflective tools
Although focused on viewing critical reflection through the scope of management learning, this article discusses a range of critical reflection tools that have been drawn from other professional areas, such as storytelling, metaphors,Designing initiative evaluation: A systems-orientated framework for evaluating social change efforts
This guide from the W. K. Kellogg Foundation outlines a systems-oriented framework for initiative and cluster evaluation and includes four general designs that can be used.Evaluation plan template
These New Zealand Aid Program documents are designed to allow users to input data and information in a pre-formatted evaluation plan template.Evaluating Impacts of Peacebuilding Interventions
This guide, written by Diana Chigas, Madeline Church and Vanessa Corlazzoli for the UK Department for International Development (DFID) is aimA synthesis of 25 impact evaluations
This paper, written by Henk van den Berg, analyses 25 impact evaluations of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs based on the Farmer Field School approach.External review of the peace, conflict and development (PCD) program
This report, written by Reychler, Scharbatke-Church and Thomas with support by Clegg and Heilman for the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), evaluates the effectiveness of the Peace, ConfliA handbook of data collection tools
This handbook, written by Jane Reisman, Anne Gienapp and Sarah Stachowiak for the Annie E.Monitoring & evaluation of advocacy campaigns literature review
This literature review, written by Cristina Mansfield for the Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), examines current thinking in the evaluation of advocacy.EAA advocacy evaluation guide
This guide, written by Cristina Mansfield for Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance (EAA), presents a set of simple guidelines that can be used for evaluating advocacy initiatives.Voice and accountability tool: engagement framework
This tool from the Catholic Aid Agency for England and Wales (CAFOD) is aimed at supporting groups evaluate their capacity to conduct advocacy programs and improve their performance.Advocacy Evaluation Mini-Toolkit: Tips and Tools for Busy Organizations
This toolkit from Learning for Action (LFA) is designed to support the evaluation of advocacy campaigns and initiatives.Advocacy Matters: Helping children change their world
This guide, written by Louisa Gosling and David Cohen for the International Save the Children Alliance, is designed to support organisations to run training workshops that will enable them to caLogic models: A tool for effective program planning, collaboration, and monitoring
This guide, written by Wendy Kekahio, Brian Lawton, Louis Cicchinelli and Paul R.Evaluation of the 'stronger, smarter realities' program
An example of a COR used for an indigenous education program in Australia.Australian Government performance story report
This is an example of collaborative outcomes reporting (COR) used for a natural resource management program in South Australia.Castlemaine 500 project outcomes
This report is an example of a Collaborative Outcomes Report (COR) from a community sustainability project in Victoria, Australia. It is titled "How we ran a behaviour change program and the lessons we learnt".Dugong and marine turtle project final report executive summary 2009
This page describes the reporting outcomes of an Australian Government conducted COR process on a Dugong and Marine Turtle Project in Northern Australia.EPE Week: Lee-Anne Molony on Collaborative Outcomes Reporting
This AEA365 blog, written by Lee-Anne Molony a Principal Consultant at Clear Horizon, provides a brief overview onPerformance Story
This is a concise description of ‘Performance Story’ written by Jess Dart and John Mayne for the Sage ‘Encyclopaedia of Evaluation’.Developing a performance story report
This guide outlines a step-by-step participatory process for developing a performance story report in the context of ‘performance story evaluation’ and natural resource management, but can be used for monitoring and in other contexts.Listening to smaller voices: using an innovative participatory tool for children affected by HIV and AIDS to assess a life skills programme
This paper details the evaluation of a Life Skills programme implemented by Family Health International (FHI 360), India.Report on outcomes and get everyone involved: the participatory performance story reporting technique
This paper outlines the background and philosophy ofDFAT design and monitoring and evaluation standards
These updated design, monitoring and evaluation standards from the Australian Government aim to "improve the quality and use of Design and M&E products, and to integrate evaluative thinking into everyday work".NSW Government evaluation framework
This framework has been developed to guide the consistent and transparent evaluation of government programs in the New South Wales (Australia) State Government to inform decision making on policy directions, program design and implementatioAmplifying Learning in Systems Change Investments: An Experience in Developmental Evaluation
This issues brief from the OMG Center for Collaborative Learning (OMG) describes the experience of using a developmental evaluation approach in order to evaluate theComplexity Explorer
This webpage from the Santa Fe Institute provides a range of online courses and materials to improve the understanding and knowledge of complex systems science.5dchart Add-in for Microsoft Excel
5dchart Add-in for Microsoft Excel is an extension designed to generate 3D bubble charts and 3D scatter plots for large and complex data sets directly in Microsoft Excel.Evaluating complex and unfolding interventions in real time
This article from Tom Ling outlines the use of uncertainty and complexity in a Theory of Change-based approach to evaluating complex interventions.Evaluating Performance in a CAS
This article, authored by Glenda Eoyang and Thomas Berkas for the Human Systems Dynamics Institute, describes key features of a complex adaptive system and what these might mean for evaluation andEvaluating the Complex
This book, edited by Forss, Marra and Schwartz, provides a detailed discussion of different aspects of complexity and cases of evaluations with particular attention to issues of causal attribution and contribution.How to Evaluate equity-focused and gender-responsive interventions in complex and dynamic environments
These reading materials from a webinar presented by Michael Quinn Patton for My M&E, discusses the concept of complexity and details how to conduct an evaluation in a complex and dynamic environment.Guidelines for evaluation terms of reference
This tool from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides a template for developing a Terms of Reference (ToR) for an evaluation.