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- X Government official or public administrator
Health Policy Project: Capacity development resource guides and competencies
The Health Policy Project's series of Capacity Development Resource Guides are focused on enhancing the abilities required to impact health policy through design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation, though many of the areas coverComparative study on the institutionalisation of evaluation in Europe and Latin America
This report aims to describe and analyze the development of public policy evaluation systems in European and Latin American countries, and identify factors that influence their proper implementation.Fortalecimiento del uso y la institucionalidad de las evaluaciones para la toma de decisiones en Colombia
Este documento tiene como objetivo principal fortalecer la institucionalidad de la evaluación de políticas públicas e impulsar el uso de los resultados y las recomendaciones de las evaluaciones para la toma de decisiones en Colombia.Designing diagnostics in complexity: Measuring technical and contextual aspects in monitoring and evaluation systems
The article highlights the significance of reflecting on methods used in designing diagnostic tools for M&E systems and contributes to the broader debate on understanding and assessing M&E systems in their political and organizationThe government monitoring and evaluation system in India: A work in progress
This paper discusses the evolution of India’s approach to monitoring and evaluation of government programs.Diagnosing monitoring and evaluation capacity in Africa
This article aims to share lessons learned from adapting and implementing a range of global tools in an African context, and puts forward certain key criteria for a ‘Made in Africa’ tool to better understand M&E systems in the region.Estudio diagnóstico sobre las fortalezas y desafíos de los sistemas regionales de construcción de la información, seguimiento y evaluación
Este informe presenta los resultados de un estudio de diagnóstico de los sistemas de seguimiento y evaluación de las provincias regionales de Argentina.A study on the status of national evaluation policies and systems in the Asia Pacific region
This study documents the progress of countries in the Asia-Pacific region in developing National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS). Survey questions that were used as part of the assessment are included in the appendix.Conducting diagnoses of M&E systems and capacities
This note provides a guide to some of the topics and issues that need to be considered when undertaking a diagnosis of a country’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities.Diagnóstico de monitoreo de políticas y programas sociales 2022
En este informe bienal se presentan las principales conclusiones de la evaluación realizada por el CONEVAL del sistema de política y monitoreo social de México.Diagnóstico de monitoreo de políticas y programas sociales 2020
En este informe bienal se presentan las principales conclusiones de la evaluación realizada por el CONEVAL del sistema de política y monitoreo social de México.Gender responsiveness diagnostic of national monitoring and evaluation systems – methodological reflections
This article reports on a diagnostic study carried out to understand the gender responsiveness of the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems of Benin, South Africa and Uganda.Ficha de calidad de las evaluaciones de la cooperación Española
La ficha de calidad quiere constituir un documento base para valorar la calidad de los informes finales de evaluación, así como sobre el proceso de evaluación llevado a cabo, tratando de aportar información útil.Evaluation capacity development: A diagnostic guide and action framework
This guide is intended to help governments and development agencies develop a national or sectoral evaluation system by providing a detailed checklist of issues to consider for building a country's evaluation capacity.National Evaluation Capacity in Uganda
This paper by Margaret Kakenda (President, Uganda Evaluation Association) provides an overview of the Ugandan national integrated M&E Framework as of 2009 and its structural arrangements, including a directorate of Monitoring and EvaluaNational Policy on Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation - Uganda
This Ugandan national policy, published in 2013, applies to all public policies, strategies, programmes and projects managed by Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, Local Governments, Parastatals and Executing Agencies of public programmes.An African approach for gauging the gender effectiveness of national M&E systems: An IDEV article
This 12-page Twende Mbele paper presents the findings from a diagnostic study used to determine the gender responsiveness of national monitoring and evaluation systems in Benin, South Africa and Uganda.Western Cape Department of Human Settlements departmental evaluation plan
This document from the Western Cape Government sets out a 3-year Department Evaluation Plan (DEP) of evaluations for the Department of Human Settlements. The stated aims of the DEP are to:National evaluation policy - Benin
This national evaluation policy aims to be a unifying tool in developing a national evaluation system to help improve public action and strengthen the evaluation culture of the administration.National monitoring and evaluation policy - Zambia
This policy provides a framework for setting up and strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the public sector of Zambia.Plan de acción: Marco conceptual y estratégico para el fortalecimiento de la gestión para resultados en el desarrollo en Costa Rica 2021-2030
Este recurso proporciona una actualización a un plan de acción anterior, en el cual el equipo técnico del Ministerio de Planificación Nacional y Política Económica de Costa Rica (Mideplan) establece el plan para fortalecer la planificación,Lineamientos tecnicos y metodologicos para la planificación, programación presupuestaria, seguimiento y la evaluación estratégica en el Sector Públicode Costa Rica
Los presentes lineamientos técnicos y metodológicos establecen los requerimientos de cumplimiento para el Sector Público de Costa Rica en la planificación, programación presupuestaria, seguimiento y la evaluación de las intervenciones públiLa evaluación de resultados en el sector público a nivel nacional - Colombia
Este documento proporciona el marco para el establecimiento y desarrollo del Sistema Nacional de Evaluación de la Gestión y los Resultados de acuerdo con la Constitución Nacional y el Decreto Nº2167 de 1992.Artículo 26 - Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
En este artículo de la Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos se contempla la evaluación de los programas de desarrollo.Policy framework for the government-wide monitoring and evaluation system - South Africa
This document sets out the policy framework for the whole-of-government monitoring and evaluation system for South Africa.Policy framework for results-based monitoring & evaluation (RBME) - Afghanistan
This document, created in 2016, set out the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan's policy framework for results-based monitoring & evaluation (RBME).National monitoring and evaluation policy for Namibia - Draft III
The national monitoring and evaluation policy of the Government of the Republic of Namibia establishes a framework that institutionalises the undertaking of continuous performance monitoring and evaluations.Ghanaian draft national monitoring and evaluation policy
This policy sets out monitoring and evaluation as a national requirement for all development programmes, projects and public investments, emphasizing it as mandatory for ascertaining good governance and value for money.Niger national evaluation policy
This resource is an example of a National Evaluation Policy, from Niger.Developing evaluation standards and assessing evaluation quality
The article explains the rationale for the development of standards for evaluation practice, the process followed in developing those standards, and how those standards inform the quality assessment of evaluations.A focus on M&E of results: an example from the Presidency, South Africa
This article documents the development of the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in South Africa.Mere compliance or learning – M&E culture in the public service of Benin, Uganda and South Africa
This chapter of Using Evidence in Policy and Practice covers evidence use by African governments, and explores M&E culture in Benin, Uganda, and South Africa.