20 results
Filter search resultsDesigning diagnostics in complexity: Measuring technical and contextual aspects in monitoring and evaluation systems
The article highlights the significance of reflecting on methods used in designing diagnostic tools for M&E systems and contributes to the broader debate on understanding and assessing M&E systems in their political and organizationRecursoGender responsiveness diagnostic of national monitoring and evaluation systems – methodological reflections
This article reports on a diagnostic study carried out to understand the gender responsiveness of the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems of Benin, South Africa and Uganda.RecursoAn African approach for gauging the gender effectiveness of national M&E systems: An IDEV article
This 12-page Twende Mbele paper presents the findings from a diagnostic study used to determine the gender responsiveness of national monitoring and evaluation systems in Benin, South Africa and Uganda.RecursoWestern Cape Department of Human Settlements departmental evaluation plan
This document from the Western Cape Government sets out a 3-year Department Evaluation Plan (DEP) of evaluations for the Department of Human Settlements. The stated aims of the DEP are to:RecursoPolicy framework for the government-wide monitoring and evaluation system - South Africa
This document sets out the policy framework for the whole-of-government monitoring and evaluation system for South Africa.RecursoA focus on M&E of results: an example from the Presidency, South Africa
This article documents the development of the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) in South Africa.RecursoMere compliance or learning – M&E culture in the public service of Benin, Uganda and South Africa
This chapter of Using Evidence in Policy and Practice covers evidence use by African governments, and explores M&E culture in Benin, Uganda, and South Africa.RecursoEvaluation competency framework for government
This document is a draft of the Evaluation Competency Framework (ECF) used by the South African Government.RecursoEvaluator competencies: The South African Government experience
This article describes the South African government's process of developing evaluator competencies.RecursoNational evaluation policy framework - South Africa
This evaluation policy framework is an element of the Policy Framework for the Government-Wide Monitoring and Evaluation System in South Africa.RecursoNational evaluation plan, 2020-2025, South Africa
South Africa has produced 8 National Evaluation Plans since the inception of the National Evaluation System in 2011.RecursoDepartment Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) - Republic of South Africa
This website provides information about the activities of the South African Department: Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME).RecursoGuidelines for applying the climate and ecosystems health criterion in the commissioning, design and implementation of evaluations
This guide sets out the rationale for why climate and ecosystem health need to be addressed by all evaluations and how this might be done during the commissioning, design and conduct of an evaluation.RecursoInstitutionalizing evaluation: A review of international experience
This report, written by Bertha Briceño and Marie M.RecursoPolítica de evaluación nacional en Sud África
Este estudio de caso ofrece un resumen del proceso de implementación de un sistema de monitoreo y evaluación a nivel de gobierno (GWM&ES) en Sudáfrica.RecursoPolitique d’Evaluation nationale en Afrique du Sud
Cette étude de cas décrit le processus d’implantation d’un système de suivi et d’évaluation du Gouvernement (GWM&E – Government Wide Monitoring and Evaluation) en Afrique du Sud.RecursoNational evaluation policy in South Africa
This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluation system in South Africa.RecursoDemocratic evaluation and democracy: exploring the reality
Democratic evaluation brings a way of thinking about evaluation’s role in society and in particular, its role in strengthening social justice.RecursoThe emergence of government evaluation systems in Africa: The case of Benin, Uganda and South Africa
This article documents the experiences of three countries - South Africa, Benin and Uganda - in deepening and widening their national evaluation systems and some of the cross-cutting lessons that can be drawn from their experiences.RecursoUsing M&E to improve government performance and accountability: A glance of 6 countries’ NES
This report on lessons learned from the Twende Mbele program compares the experiences of six different countries – Benin, Ghana, Kenya, Niger, South Africa and Uganda and discusses issues relating to leadership and linkages, capacity, and qRecurso