17 results
Filter search resultsThe psychology of climate change communication: A guide for scientists, journalists, educators, political aides, and the interested public
This guide by the Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, while focused on communicating research on climate change, will be useful for anyone interested in the theory behind communication and behaviour change and those who need toRecursoA toolkit for designing climate change adaptation initiatives
This toolkit from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) aims to support those that are involved in Climate Change Adaption (CCA) initiatives by providing step-by-step guidaRecursoEvaluating climate adaptation efforts: Notes toward a framework
This presentation outlines the types of adaptation challenges, levels of intervention and the options used for evaluating adaptation responses based on the challenge addressed.RecursoOperationalising a resilience approach to adapting an urban delta to uncertain climate changes
This paper presents a case-study on a system-oriented strategy: strengthening the resilience of the impacted system to climatic changes.RecursoEconomic evaluation of climate change adaptation projects
This guide form the World Bank highlights a number of key challenges and solutions to carrying out analysis of the economic viability of climate change adaption projects.RecursoHow to talk about climate change
This collection of resources - toolkit, short guide and cheat sheet - sets out the challenges of talking about climate change and presents effective strategies to address them.RecursoTurin Agenda - 2022 National Evaluation Capacities conference
The Turin Agenda is a commitment presented by over 300 participants from more than 100 countries at the 2022 National Evaluation Capacities Conference held in Turin, Italy from October 25-28.RecursoAggregating, presenting and valuing climate change impacts
This report aims to provide a picture of the impact of climate change resulting from the emissions of greenhouse gasses. In preparing the report, the authors took the following into consideration:RecursoGuidelines for applying the climate and ecosystems health criterion in the commissioning, design and implementation of evaluations
This guide sets out the rationale for why climate and ecosystem health need to be addressed by all evaluations and how this might be done during the commissioning, design and conduct of an evaluation.RecursoParticipatory tools and techniques for assessing climate change impacts and exploring adaptation options
This tool kit from the Livelihoods and Forestry Programme (LFP) aims to help communities and planners understand the hazards and risks of climate change, allowing them to assess the vulnerability of their livelihoods.RecursoWhy is evaluation important for climate? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 1
In this video, Ketevan Nozadze, Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI) discusses broadly why evaluation is important in climate action.RecursoHow to develop a program Theory of Change? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 4
In this video, Megha Pradhan (CLEAR-SA) presents how to develop a program theory of change.RecursoHow is M&E useful in the program cycle? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 3
In this video, Jenean Pretorius (CLEAR-AA) discuss how monitoring and evaluation can be used throughout the program cycle.RecursoWhat is monitoring and evaluation (M&E)? Monitoring and evaluation in climate action - Video 2
In this video, Gabriel Weber Costa (CLEAR-LAB) talks about monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and how we can use them to inform decisions in climate action.RecursoMonitoring and evaluation in climate action video series
The GEI and the Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results (the CLEAR centers) have partnered with the Climate Investment Funds' (CIF) Evaluation and Learning (E&L) Initiative to provide introductory video sessions on Monitoring andRecursoAddressing environmental sustainability through the OECD DAC criteria for evaluation of development assistance
This resource, from the Footprint Evaluation Initiative, discusses how the six evaluation criteria of the OECD DAC (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development – Development Assistance Committee) can be used to get environmentalRecursoEvaluación de la sostenibilidad ambiental con base en los Criterios de Evaluación de la Asistencia al Desarrollo del CAD de la OCDE
El presente documento examina cómo utilizar los seis criterios de evaluación del Comité de Asistencia al Desarrollo (CAD) de la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos (OCDE) para integrar la sostenibilidad ambiental en la agenda deRecurso