199 results
Filter search resultsConceptual framework for developing evaluation capacities
This paper, which was prepared for the International Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS) and the World Bank's Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) prRecursoComparative study on the institutionalisation of evaluation in Europe and Latin America
This report aims to describe and analyze the development of public policy evaluation systems in European and Latin American countries, and identify factors that influence their proper implementation.RecursoFortalecimiento del uso y la institucionalidad de las evaluaciones para la toma de decisiones en Colombia
Este documento tiene como objetivo principal fortalecer la institucionalidad de la evaluación de políticas públicas e impulsar el uso de los resultados y las recomendaciones de las evaluaciones para la toma de decisiones en Colombia.RecursoDesigning diagnostics in complexity: Measuring technical and contextual aspects in monitoring and evaluation systems
The article highlights the significance of reflecting on methods used in designing diagnostic tools for M&E systems and contributes to the broader debate on understanding and assessing M&E systems in their political and organizationRecursoThe government monitoring and evaluation system in India: A work in progress
This paper discusses the evolution of India’s approach to monitoring and evaluation of government programs.RecursoDiagnosing monitoring and evaluation capacity in Africa
This article aims to share lessons learned from adapting and implementing a range of global tools in an African context, and puts forward certain key criteria for a ‘Made in Africa’ tool to better understand M&E systems in the region.RecursoMonitoring and evaluation systems assessment tool and guide
The monitoring and evaluation systems assessment tool (M&ESAT) and guide were designed to provide a systematic approach for programs and local implementing partners to assess the functionality, effectiveness, strengths and weaknesses ofRecursoTips for developing good evaluation questions (for performance evaluations)
This resource provides principles, tips and examples to assist with the development of good evaluation questions.RecursoEstudio diagnóstico sobre las fortalezas y desafíos de los sistemas regionales de construcción de la información, seguimiento y evaluación
Este informe presenta los resultados de un estudio de diagnóstico de los sistemas de seguimiento y evaluación de las provincias regionales de Argentina.RecursoA study on the status of national evaluation policies and systems in the Asia Pacific region
This study documents the progress of countries in the Asia-Pacific region in developing National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS). Survey questions that were used as part of the assessment are included in the appendix.RecursoConducting diagnoses of M&E systems and capacities
This note provides a guide to some of the topics and issues that need to be considered when undertaking a diagnosis of a country’s monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities.RecursoProfessionalization of evaluation competency framework for evaluators
This competency framework is designed to assist with strengthening professionalisation of evaluation in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond.RecursoDiagnóstico de monitoreo de políticas y programas sociales 2022
En este informe bienal se presentan las principales conclusiones de la evaluación realizada por el CONEVAL del sistema de política y monitoreo social de México.RecursoMapa diagnóstico de la evaluación en la Argentina
Este libro intenta desarrollar un primer mapa diagnóstico de la evaluación en la Argentina sobre un conjunto de factores orientados a dar cuenta de distintos aspectos del proceso evaluativo.RecursoNational evaluation in the SDG era: An online self-assessment tool for national evaluation diagnostics and strategizing
This tool, developed by the Independent Evaluation Office of UNDP, provides a step-by-step mechanism to assess evaluation capacity, determine needs and establish action points for developing a country's framework for evaluation of nationalRecursoDiagnóstico de monitoreo de políticas y programas sociales 2020
En este informe bienal se presentan las principales conclusiones de la evaluación realizada por el CONEVAL del sistema de política y monitoreo social de México.RecursoGender responsiveness diagnostic of national monitoring and evaluation systems – methodological reflections
This article reports on a diagnostic study carried out to understand the gender responsiveness of the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems of Benin, South Africa and Uganda.RecursoRecommendation of the Council on public policy evaluation
This recommendation on public policy evaluation, created by the OECD, encourages governments to institutionalise public policy evaluation across all government areas.RecursoRecommandation du Conseil sur l’évaluation des politiques publiques
Cette recommandation sur l'évaluation des politiques publiques, créée par l'OCDE, encourage les gouvernements à institutionnaliser l'évaluation des politiques publiques dans tous les domaines gouvernementaux.RecursoFicha de calidad de las evaluaciones de la cooperación Española
La ficha de calidad quiere constituir un documento base para valorar la calidad de los informes finales de evaluación, así como sobre el proceso de evaluación llevado a cabo, tratando de aportar información útil.RecursoEvaluation capacity development: A diagnostic guide and action framework
This guide is intended to help governments and development agencies develop a national or sectoral evaluation system by providing a detailed checklist of issues to consider for building a country's evaluation capacity.RecursoKey competencies for the monitoring function
This document sets out the functional competencies (skills, knowledge, attributes and behaviours) needed for effective monitoring.RecursoCountry-led monitoring and evaluation systems: Better evidence, better policies, better development results
This book from UNICEF provides a number of chapters considering why country-led monitoring and evaluation systems are important and some best practice examples of how they have been used.RecursoTen steps to a results based monitoring and evaluation system. A handbook for development practitioners
This guide provides a ten-step model to help plan, design, and implement a results-based M&E system for good management in organisations working in the public sector.RecursoNational Evaluation Capacity in Uganda
This paper by Margaret Kakenda (President, Uganda Evaluation Association) provides an overview of the Ugandan national integrated M&E Framework as of 2009 and its structural arrangements, including a directorate of Monitoring and EvaluaRecursoNational evaluation policy in Switzerland
This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluatRecursoNational evaluation policy in Colombia
This case study, prepared by Katerina Stolyarenko for the Parliamentary Forum for Development Evaluation outlines the process that was used to develop and implement a government-wide monitoring and evaluatRecursoNational Policy on Public Sector Monitoring and Evaluation - Uganda
This Ugandan national policy, published in 2013, applies to all public policies, strategies, programmes and projects managed by Ministries, Departments, and Agencies, Local Governments, Parastatals and Executing Agencies of public programmes.RecursoAn African approach for gauging the gender effectiveness of national M&E systems: An IDEV article
This 12-page Twende Mbele paper presents the findings from a diagnostic study used to determine the gender responsiveness of national monitoring and evaluation systems in Benin, South Africa and Uganda.RecursoWestern Cape Department of Human Settlements departmental evaluation plan
This document from the Western Cape Government sets out a 3-year Department Evaluation Plan (DEP) of evaluations for the Department of Human Settlements. The stated aims of the DEP are to:RecursoNational evaluation policy - Benin
This national evaluation policy aims to be a unifying tool in developing a national evaluation system to help improve public action and strengthen the evaluation culture of the administration.RecursoNational monitoring and evaluation policy - Zambia
This policy provides a framework for setting up and strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the public sector of Zambia.Recurso