Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) is a systematic approach to causal inference that involves bringing together different types of evidence (lines of evidence) and considering the strength of the evidence in terms of different indicators of a causal relationship (levels of evidence).
MLLE is more than just triangulation of different types of evidence. It involves:
- Lines of evidence – different types of relevant evidence, whether existing or new data.
- Levels of evidence – strength of their support for a causal relationship, not in terms of a hierarchy of evidence but in terms of different indications of a causal relationship, such as temporality (the hypothesised cause is observed to occur before the event) or specificity of association (where the effect is only found in association with the hypothesized cause, or the only one effect is associated with the cause).
- A systematic process for judging the credibility of the evidence and the causal analysis, often involving an expert cross-disciplinary panel review of the process.
It was originally developed in environmental impact studies, drawing on approaches from epidemiology, beginning with a paper on ‘Causal inference in environmental impact studies’ (Beyers, 1998), followed by other publications on monitoring ecological impacts (Downes and others, 2002; Norris and others, 2004).
MLLE is an element of the Collaborative Outcome Reporting approach to impact evaluation. More recently the MLLE method has been labelled ‘causal criteria method’ and developed into an Eco Evidence framework that uses a scored weighting approach to draw conclusions.
MLLE’s strategy for analysing the strength of evidence builds on the Bradford Hill causal criteria adapted for ecological applications. The Bradford Hill causal criteria were presented by Sir Austin Bradford Hill, Professor Emeritus of Medical Statistics, as the President’s Address at the Royal Society of Medicine, drawing on the work of the USA Surgeon-General in assessing the health effects of cigarette smoking in the absence of experimental evidence.
Bradford Hill criteria
The following, extracted verbatim from Table 1 in Norris et al (2012, p7), provides a definition of the Bradford Hill criteria:
"The causal criteria defined by Hill (1965) for use in epidemiology. These were developed from criteria originally defined in the US Surgeon General’s report on the health effects of smoking (USDHEW 1964). Subsequent users have tended to concentrate on smaller subsets of the 9 criteria.
- Strength of association abc: Increase in disease incidence associated with exposure to the risk factor. Measured as the likelihood (i.e., increased risk) of developing the disease when exposed to the risk factor.
- Consistency of association abc: An association between the hypothesized cause and effect has been observed repeatedly in a variety of places, circumstances, and times.
- Specificity of association ac: Refers to the case where either: 1) the effect is found only in association with the hypothesized cause or 2) only one effect is associated with the cause.
- Temporality ac: The hypothesized cause is observed to precede effect.
- Biological gradient (dose–response) bcd: A conceptually sensible biological explanation exists for the relationship between cause and effect.
- Coherence a: Support for the cause–effect relation is provided by known facts including laboratory results or patterns in association between cause and effect between populations.
- Experiment c: Results from experimental studies support the cause–effect relationship. This criterion applies only to situations where the hypothesized cause is manipulated experimentally.
- Analogy: The hypothesized cause–effect relation can be argued on the basis of similarity with an established cause and effect.
aOriginal criteria defined by USDHEW (1964)
bCriteria quantitatively identified by Weed and Gorelic (1996) as being the most commonly used in epidemiology
cPrincipal causal criteria identified by Adams (2005)
dWeed and Gorelic (1996) and Weed (1997) used the name ‘dose-response’ for this criterion"
Source: Norris et al. (2012)
Criteria to consider when recording lines of evidence
These questions have been adapted in a template developed by the New South Wales (NSW) Government Office of Environment and Heritage.
- "Is the evidence relevant to the issue? Is this evidence expected to be in the study area?
- Is there a reliable explanation for the evidence in the study area?
- Is this evidence restricted to particular spatial or temporal situations? Is there evidence of a relationship (spatial or temporal) between the activity and the response to that activity?
- Does the expected response always occur in the presence of the activity? Is the response always evident after the activity occurs?
- Are there consistent findings across different lines of evidence? Is there a credible linkage between intervention and response? A clear relationship between the activity and the response would be expected where the investment was based on a conceptual model of the system. Consistency of association between the activity and the response is observed where testing the evidence against all the criteria provides positive findings.
- Is there any other evidence that should be considered? Determine whether there is evidence from other investments or management activities in which the expected change occurred after the activity. Determine whether there is any basis for including additional assessment criteria. Consider where appropriate."
Source: New South Wales (NSW) Government Office of Environment and Heritage 'Using the template'
Adapting the criteria for MLLE analysis
The following, extracted from a table in Young et al. (2006) (cited in Department of Environment NSW, n.d), sets out the adaptation of these criteria for an MLLE analysis and provides examples of how they might be used:
"Criteria for assessing relevance of evidence
Criterion - Credible linkage
- Question posed by criterion - Is the evidence relevant to the issue, i.e. is this evidence expected in the study area?
Example of response to criterion from different lines of evidence:
- Literature (references) demonstrates there is a relationship between improved riparian management (activity) and sediment nutrient fluxes (response) of waterways.
- Local catchment studies (referenced) support the findings of the above literature.
- Performance measure monitoring for catchment targets is consistent with investment trends and outputs for riparian management.
Criterion - Presence of a response
- Question - Is there a reliable explanation for the evidence in the study area?
- Performance measure monitoring for catchment targets linked to SedNet scenario modelling within a case study provides evidence for the management of sediments and nutrients within the catchments.
- Performance measure monitoring for catchment targets is consistent with investment trends and outputs for riparian management for those estuaries.
- Reported catchment investigations for like systems.
Criterion - Evidence of ‘intervention response’ relationship with activity
- Question - Is this evidence likely only under different spatial or temporal situations?
- Performance measure monitoring for catchment targets is consistent with investment trends and outputs for riparian management.
- SedNet scenario modelling highlights how the application of relevant management actions in priority catchments will have the greatest reduction in sediment inputs to estuaries.
- Performance measure monitoring for catchment target linked to SedNet scenario modelling within a case study provides evidence for management of sediments and nutrients within the catchments.
Criterion - Consistency of association
- Questions - Does the expected response always occur in the presence of the activity? Is there a credible linkage between intervention and response?
- Performance measure monitoring for catchment target linked to SedNet scenario modelling within a case study provides evidence for management of sediments and nutrients within the catchments.
- Performance measure monitoring for catchment target in particular estuaries is consistent with investment trends and outputs for riparian management.
Criterion - Consistency
- Question - Are there consistent findings across different lines of evidence?
- All lines of evidence tested against criteria and show consistent findings.
* The examples only show how existing and new sources of information may be used with the criterion."
Source: Young (2006)
The Eco Evidence framework (an elaboration of MLLE) was used to investigate the question:
- “Will increasing the groundwater abstraction limit of 10% of long-term recharge cause detrimental effects on stream biota in the groundwater-dependent streams of the Upper Murrumbidgee catchment within the Australian Capital Territory).”
Evidence was gathered about seven different impacts:
- changes in fish community
- algae
- riparian conditions
- macrophytes
- macroinvertebrate diversity
- density and community composition.
The strength of this evidence was analysed in terms of three causal criteria:
- evidence of response
- dose response
- consistency of association
Insufficient evidence was available to draw a conclusion about three of these effects, and the evidence for one of them was inconsistent. However, there was strong evidence in terms of two of the impacts. This was sufficient evidence to draw the conclusion that increasing groundwater abstraction limits were associated with a detrimental ecological effect (table shown below), which then enabled the government agency to make an evidence-informed decision.
Effect (defined in conceptual model stage) | Evidence of response1 |
Dose response1 |
Consistency of association1 |
Conclusion |
Change in fish community | 11 | 1 | 0 | Insufficient evidence |
Change in algae | 8 | 0 | 5 | Insufficient evidence |
Change in riparian condition | 2 | 0 | 0 | Insufficient evidence |
Change in macrophytes | 9 | 0 | 0 | Insufficient evidence |
Decrease in macroinvertebrate richness or diversity | 32 | 8 | 8 | Support for hypothesis |
Decrease in macroinvertebrate abundance or density | 26 | 8 | 12 | Support for hypothesis |
Change in macroinvertebrate community composition | 43 | 0 | 24 | Inconsistent evidence |
1 This table has been lightly edited for accessibility: In the original table, these columns are grouped under the heading "Interpretation regarding the level of support provided by summed evidence weights" with the following note also provided "The default 20-point threshold of summed evidence weights was used (Norris et al. 2005, 2012, Nichols et al. 2011)."
Source: Nichols et al. (2017).
Advice for choosing this method
- This approach is most suitable for causal inference in situations where random assignment is not possible and where it is not possible to identify a credible comparison group – for example, when evaluating impacts in a particular ecosystem.
- It is most likely to be successful when there is considerable technical evidence of changes available and previous research, and experts available to review the quality of the evidence and of the conclusions.
Advice for using this method
- The different lines of evidence need to be systematically gathered and reviewed in terms of the different causal criteria.
- It is not essential that all criteria are met.
- Care needs to be taken in applying the criteria in situations where causality is recursive or complicated . The temporality criterion requires that a cause precedes an effect. If there is a feedback loop, it might be that the effect then influences the earlier variable. In such cases, more In such cases, data will be needed from multiple time periods, or it might be that temporality cannot be used as one of the evaluative criteria.
This guidance document from the New South Wales Department of Environment details how Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) can be used in designing evaluations and monitoring systems.
- Analyzing cause and effect in environmental assessments: Using weighted evidence from the literature
This article provides an explanation of the Eco Evidence analysis framework, which systematizes the Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) method.
This resource includes a discussion of Multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) as part of a monitoring and assessment framework in freshwater ecology.
Bradshaw Hill causal criteria
Beyers D. (1998). Causal inference in environmental impact studies. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 17(3), pp. 367–373.
Cottingham P., Quinn G., Norris R., King A., Chessman B. and Marshall C. (2005). Environmental Flows Monitoring and Assessment Framework. Technical report. CRC for Freshwater Ecology, Canberra.
Department of Environment, New South Wales Government. (n.d). Evaluation design. Retrieved from
Downes B., Barmuta L., Fairweather P., Faith D., Keough M., Lake P.S., Mapstone B. & Quinn G. (2002). Monitoring Ecological Impacts: Concepts and Practice in Flowing Waters. Cambridge University Press, UK.
Hill, A.B. (1965). The environment and disease: association or causation? Proc R Soc Med. 58(5):295.
New South Wales (NSW) Office of Environment and Heritage (2011) Template: Recording assessment using MLLE criteria. Retrieved from
Nichols, S. J., Peat, M., & Webb, J. A. (2017). Challenges for evidence-based environmental management: what is acceptable and sufficient evidence of causation? Freshwater Science, 36(1), 240-249.
Norris, R. H., Webb, J. A., Nichols, S. J., Stewardson, M. J., & Harrison, E. T. (2012). Analyzing cause and effect in environmental assessments: using weighted evidence from the literature. Freshwater Science, 31(1), 5-21.
Young, B., Nichols, S. & Norris, R. (2006). Application of multiple lines and levels of evidence (MLLE) for addressing ecological questions of causality. Australian Society for Limnology 45th Annual Conference, 25–29 September, Albury. Cited in Department of Environment NSW: Evaluation Design
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