Communicate transparently, build trust and obtain individual and community consent

Consent principle
Obtain the free prior informed consent of Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander people before commencing the evaluation.
□ Some Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander people have multiple languages. Planning documents, consent forms and all documentation relating to the evaluation should be in plain English. Ensure that literacy, and participants with a different language have been considered. Explain documents in person and work with a translator when required.
□ Information on the evaluation purpose, methods, process and management of related data must be clearly communicated before the evaluation process begins, including how research material will be stored and disposed of.
□ Clearly communicate who is funding the evaluation.
□ Participants should be informed that they can opt out of the evaluation at any time without any damage to their relationship with you or others.
□ Participants must be informed clearly about any risks involved in their participation, including any risks to maintaining anonymity (where applicable).
□ Participants should have a key point of contact provided to them to address any concerns they have about the evaluation.
Equity principle
Evaluation must be transparent, equitable and respect the integrity of the community.
□ When defining the budget for the evaluation, carefully map out the project into phases to allow time for relationship building and to adequately facilitate community input. Ensure both the timeline and budget, factors in time upfront for understanding the community structures and then planning and designing the evaluation in partnership with the community.
We would like to acknowledge and thank Maria Stephens, an Arrabi/Binning woman who speaks the Iwaidja language. She generously provided her artwork for this page.