This case study from The World Bank looks at the use of outcome mapping to evaluate the effectiveness of a number of programs in Mongolia.
The approach was used to evaluate the effectiveness, sustainability, and relevance of interventions to build the capacity of Mongolian civil society organizations. Due to the short-term, complex nature of the interventions, the numerous CSOs involved, and scarce documentation, impact was difficult measure therefore requiring the use of outcome mapping to evaluate the outcomes.
"A total of 190 outcomes were collected through document analysis, interviews and surveys with pertinent social actors, with nine elaborated as outcome stories. The outcome stories identified what changes took place, by whom, when and where, why they were significant, and how the interventions contributed. Then, independent persons substantiated the outcome stories to provide further evidence and credibility on whether the World Bank and SDC support advanced development objectives." (The World Bank, 2014)
- Context
- Outcome mapping
- Decision to use outcome mapping
- Process
- Challenges
- Findings
- Benefits
- Annex: example of an outcome Story: World Bank—Public Procurement intervention
- Annex: interview guide: World Bank—Social Accountability intervention informants
- Annex: Survey Questions: SDC—local NGO capacity Building intervention
The World Bank, (2014). Case study in outcomes evaluation: Mongolia, Retrieved from: